72 opere in una location unica.
Curato per il settimo anno consecutivo da Gianni Jetzer, il settore presenterà una vasta gamma di progetti, dai pezzi del passato alle opere create appositamente per Art Basel. Parteciperanno artisti famosi ed emergenti, tra cui: Matthew Barney, Yto Barrada, Daniel Buren, Horia Damian, Camille Henrot, Jenny Holzer, Mark Leckey, Lee Ufan, Inge Mahn, Lygia Pape, Jon Rafman, Michael Rakowitz, Nedko Solakov, Martine Syms, Barthélémy Toguo e Yu Hong.
Art Basel, il cui Lead Partner è UBS, ha luogo a Basel dal 14 giugno al 17 giugno 2018. Unlimited è la piattaforma di Art Basel per progetti di grandi dimensioni, che offre alle gallerie l’opportunità di mostrare installazioni, sculture monumentali, proiezioni video, pitture murali, serie fotografiche e performance artistiche che trascendono il tradizionale stand dell’arte.
Per Unlimited nel 2007, Daniel Buren ha trasformato le scale mobili che conducono al piano superiore del padiglione 1 in una scultura cinetica intitolata “Passage de la Couleur, 26 secondes et 14 centièmes”. L’opera è stata acquistata dall’ente fiera Basel e oggi è parte integrante della sala espositiva. Con Unlimited quest’anno che si svolge al piano superiore del padiglione 1, i lavori di Buren del 2007 faranno parte dell’area di ingresso per l’edizione di quest’anno. Rispondendo a questo lavoro precedente, Unlimited si aprirà con “Una cosa tira l’altra” di Buren, una passerella aerea decorata con strisce simili a quelle che sono state usate sulla scala mobile nel 2007. L’ampia piattaforma composta da ponteggi creerà nuovi modi per navigare nello spazio, consentendo ai visitatori di vedere le opere circostanti da punti di vista unici e inaspettati.

Altre opere da non perdere salienti includono le strisce di tessuto di Polly Apfelbaum che si combinano per formare un dipinto dai colori vivaci; L’enclave tropicale di Rashid Johnson contiene vari elementi inaspettati, dalle sculture realizzate con burro di karitè ai ritratti video; Il monumentale dipinto di Katherine Bernhardt con uccelli tropicali, robot affettuosi e mozziconi di sigarette, che al tempo stesso redige e riassume la cultura moderna e l’artista stessa; un’installazione multimediale interattiva di Nedko Solakov comprendente nove divani nelle forme dei nove caratteri cinesi che costituiscono la frase “Mi manca il socialismo, forse”; e il dipinto su grande scala di Yu Hong raffigurante una famosa fiaba cinese ampiamente citata sia nella storia dell’arte moderna cinese che nelle narrative comuniste cinesi.

Unlimited: Presenting 72 premier works in a unique setting.
This year’s edition of Unlimited will consist of 72 large-scale projects, presented by galleries participating in the fair. Curated for the seventh consecutive year by Gianni Jetzer, Curator-at-Large at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C., the sector will feature a wide range of presentations, from seminal pieces from the past to work created especially for Art Basel. Renowned as well as emerging artists will participate, including: Matthew Barney, Yto Barrada, Daniel Buren, Horia Damian, Camille Henrot, Jenny Holzer, Mark Leckey, Lee Ufan, Inge Mahn, Lygia Pape, Jon Rafman, Michael Rakowitz, Nedko Solakov, Martine Syms, Barthélémy Toguo and Yu Hong. Art Basel, whose Lead Partner is UBS, takes place at Messe Basel from June 14 to June 17, 2018. Unlimited, Art Basel’s unique platform for large-scale projects, provides galleries with the opportunity to showcase installations, monumental sculptures, video projections, wall paintings, photographic series and performance art that transcend the traditional art-fair stand. For Unlimited in 2007, Daniel Buren transformed the escalators leading to the upper floor of Hall 1 into a kinetic sculpture titled ‘Passage de la Couleur, 26 secondes et 14 centièmes’. The work was bought by Messe Schweiz and today forms an integral part of the exhibition hall. With Unlimited this year taking place on the upper floor of Hall 1, Buren’s work from 2007 will form part of the entrance area for this year’s edition. Responding to this earlier work, Unlimited will open with Buren’s ‘Una cosa tira l’altra’, an aerial walkway decorated with stripes similar to those that have been used on the escalator in 2007. The extensive platform made up of scaffolding will create new ways to navigate the space, allowing visitors to view the surrounding works from unique and unexpected points of view.

Further highlights include Polly Apfelbaum’s strips of textile that are combined to form a colorfully woven painting; Rashid Johnson’s tropical enclave containing various unexpected elements from sculptures made with shea butter to video portraits; Katherine Bernhardt’s monumental painting with tropical birds, cuddly robots and cigarette stubs, which at once editorializes and summarizes modern culture and the artist herself; an interactive multimedia installation by Nedko Solakov comprising nine sofas in the shapes of the nine Chinese characters constituting the phrase ‘I miss Socialism, maybe’; and Yu Hong’s large-scale painting depicting a famous Chinese fable widely cited in both modern Chinese art history and Chinese Communist narratives. The work focuses on how the Socialist narrative still perseveres in Chinese society and explores the ways its ideology corresponds to the visual legacy of Soviet Socialist Realist heritage.
Full list of artists presented in Unlimited:
Ai Weiwei, Lisson Gallery, neugerriemschneider
Francis Alÿs, David Zwirner
Polly Apfelbaum, Frith Street Gallery
Uri Aran, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, Sadie Coles HQ
Rodolfo Aricò, A arte Invernizzi
Arman, Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois
Matthew Barney, Sadie Coles HQ, Gladstone Gallery, Regen Projects
Yto Barrada, Pace Gallery
Robert Barry, Alfonso Artiaco, Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Galerie Greta Meert, Galleria Massimo Minini, Sfeir-Semler Gallery
Katherine Bernhardt, Canada, Xavier Hufkens
McArthur Binion, Massimo De Carlo, Lehmann Maupin
Barbara Bloom, Galerie Gisela Capitain
Carol Bove, David Zwirner
Frank Bowling, Alexander Gray Associates
Candice Breitz, Goodman Gallery, kaufmann repetto, KOW
Daniel Buren, Galleria Continua
Alberto Burri, Luxembourg & Dayan
Paul Chan, Greene Naftali
Bruce Conner, Paula Cooper Gallery
Carlos Cruz-Diez, Galeria Raquel Arnaud
Horia Damian, Galeria Plan B
Edith Dekyndt, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Galerie Greta Meert
Lara Favaretto, Galleria Franco Noero
General Idea, Mai 36 Galerie, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, Maureen Paley, Esther Schipper Sam Gilliam, David Kordansky Gallery
Douglas Gordon, Gagosian, Galerie Eva Presenhuber
Dan Graham, Hauser & Wirth
Josep Grau-Garriga, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Salon 94
He Xiangyu, White Space Beijing
Camille Henrot , König Galerie, kamel mennour, Metro Pictures
Carmen Herrera, Lisson Gallery
Jim Hodges, Massimo De Carlo
Jenny Holzer, Sprüth Magers
Alfredo Jaar, Goodman Gallery, Galerie Lelong & Co., kamel mennour, Galerie Thomas Schulte
Rashid Johnson, Hauser & Wirth
Jürgen Klauke, Galerie Thomas Zander
Guillermo Kuitca, Hauser & Wirth
Wolfgang Laib, Buchmann Galerie, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Sperone Westwater
Mark Leckey, Gavin Brown’s enterprise
Lee Ufan, Pace Gallery
Richard Long, Lisson Gallery
Robert Longo, Metro Pictures, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Ana Lupas, P420
Ibrahim Mahama, White Cube
Inge Mahn, Galerie Max Hetzler
Georges Mathieu, Applicat-Prazan
Richard Mosse, carlier gebauer, Jack Shainman Gallery
Olivier Mosset, Massimo De Carlo, galerie lange + pult
Sam Moyer, Sean Kelly
Yoko Ono, Galerie Lelong & Co.
Lygia Pape, Hauser & Wirth
Barbara Probst, Monica De Cardenas
Jon Rafman, Sprüth Magers
Michael Rakowitz, Barbara Wien
Paul Ramirez Jonas, Galeria Nara Roesler
James Rosenquist, Edward Tyler Nahem Fine Art
Fred Sandback, David Zwirner
Sudarshan Shetty, Galerie Krinzinger, Templon
Nedko Solakov, Galleria Continua
Frances Stark, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, Galerie Buchholz, greengrassi
Mikhael Subotzky & Patrick Waterhouse, Goodman Gallery
Martine Syms, Sadie Coles HQ
Rirkrit Tiravanija, Gavin Brown’s enterprise
Barthélémy Toguo, Galerie Lelong & Co.
Anne Truitt, Matthew Marks Gallery
James Turrell, Bernier/Eliades
Andra Ursuta, Massimo De Carlo, Galerie Eva Presenhuber
Kostis Velonis, Kalfayan Galleries
Claude Viallat, Templon
Cerith Wyn Evans, White Cube
José Yaque, Galleria Continua
Yu Hong, Long March Space