La terza edizione a Salisburgo dal 27 al 29 settembre 2019
Bauhaus, Picasso e Kiddy Citny come eventi collaterali.

Contemporaneo, pop art e moderno: questi sono i temi principali ad ART Salzburg Contemporary dal 27 al 29 settembre. La “diversità” è il tema centrale di questa fiera, che è stata orientata sin dall’inizio a livello internazionale. Per la direttrice Johanna Penz è importante “mostrare ai visitatori opere interessanti e mostre collaterali mai viste prima a Salisburgo. Quindi non più gli stessi, ma consapevolmente nuovi e diversi”.
Oltre al classico programma la fiera offre anche 3 eventi collaterali dedicati. “Questi sono i nostri punti salienti e vogliamo anche dare impulsi in termini di contenuto”, spiega Penz.
La Galerie Dikmayer di Berlin-Mitte, svilupperà, in collaborazione con il Museo Henry van de Velde, un evento speciale per celebrare il 100° anniversario della Scuola Bauhaus.
A Pablo Picasso, sarà invece dedicato la seconda collaterale. I galleristi Daniel Wahrenberger, Claudius Ochsner e Thomas Schafflützel, esporranno disegni originali, prove d’artista, stampe uniche e ceramiche del grande artista.
Lo street artist Kiddy Citny, che ha appena restaurato i graffiti del Muro di Berlino, porterà ad ART Salzburg Contemporary una vivace live painting di tre giorni dal titolo “Nel futuro”.
ART SALZBURG CONTEMPORARY & ANTIQUES INTERNATIONAL arte moderna, contemporanea e oggetti d'antiquariato dal XIX al XXI secolo. 50 espositori provenienti da varie nazioni pittura, grafica, scultura, fotografia, nuovi media e antichità. ART Salzburg Contemporary & Antiques International 27 – 29 Settembre 2019 Apertura: dalle 11 alle 19 Location: Hall 1 - Exhibition Centre Salzburg Am Messezentrum 1 A-5020 Salzburg

The third edition of ART Salzburg Contemporary from 27 to 29 September 2019 in Salzburg with its specials spans a fascinating arc from the fixed stars of modernism such as Bauhaus and Picasso to the present day. Street art artist Kiddy Citny will develop his vision of a better world as Artist in Residence.
Contemporary art, pop art and classical modernism: these are the main themes of the ART Salzburg Contemporary from 27 to 29 September. “Diversity” is the central theme of this art fair, which has been oriented very international from the start and will be held for the third time this year. For ART Salzburg Contemporary Directress Johanna Penz it’s important to “show to our high interested and open-minded visitors positions and programmes they have not seen in this form in Salzburg before. So not more of the same, but quite consciously new and different“.
In addition to the classic gallery programme for an art fair, ART Salzburg Contemporary also offers selected specials. “These are our highlights and we also want to give impulses in terms of content,” explains Penz.

There is an excellent network with long-standing partners such as the Galerie Dikmayer from Berlin-Mitte, which will develop its own special presentation for Salzburg in close cooperation with the Henry van de Velde Museum: 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus School.
Dedicated to the grandmaster of modern art, Pablo Picasso, the second special of this year’s ART Salzburg Contemporary will also be top-class. The well-known Swiss gallery owners Daniel Wahrenberger, Claudius Ochsner and Thomas Schafflützel, will bring original drawings, proofs, unique prints and ceramics from Picasso to Salzburg.
With the lively street art artist Kiddy Citny, who meanwhile calls himself the ‘dinosaur of this scene’ and has just restored the listed Berlin Wall graffiti, ART Salzburg Contemporary brings also a proven performing artist to Salzburg, who will dream of a better, more vibrant world in a three-day live-painting-performance. The title of his action: “Into the Future”.
The ART SALZBURG CONTEMPORARY & ANTIQUES INTERNATIONAL international contemporary art, classical modernism and antiques from the 19th to 21st centuries. 50 exhibitors from various nations present paintings, original graphics, sculptures, photography, new media as well as antique furniture and other treasures. ART Salzburg Contemporary & Antiques International 27 – 29 September 2019 Opening hours: daily from 11am – 7pm Location: Hall 1 - Exhibition Centre Salzburg Am Messezentrum 1 A-5020 Salzburg