1981, color photograph
Approx. 68.75×87.5 cm. Courtesy Paci Contemporary Gallery (Brescia–Porto Cervo)
“Sandy Skoglund. Visioni Ibride”, la prima antologica dell’artista statunitense, è ospitata da CAMERA, a Torino.
La mostra, realizzata con la collaborazione della Galleria Paci Contemporary di Brescia, è accompagnata dal primo volume monografico dedicato all’artista, edito da Silvana Editoriale, curato da Germano Celant.
Il percorso espositivo racconta Sandy attraverso le sue opere, dagli esordi nei primi anni Settanta all’inedita “Winter”, alla quale l’artista ha lavorato per oltre dieci anni, esposta in anteprima mondiale.
Si passa dunque dal concettuale all’immaginario; la mostra ci permette dunque di seguire l’intero percorso dell’artista, attraverso oltre trenta lavori, quasi tutti di grande formato.

1992 color photograph
Approx. 120×162.5 cm. Courtesy Paci Contemporary Gallery (Brescia–Porto Cervo)
Sandy Skoglund. Visioni Ibride
CAMERA, Torino – January 24 – March 23, 2019
On Thursday 24 January in the spaces of CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin, the opening to the public will take place of the major exhibition “Sandy Skoglund. Visioni Ibride”: the first retrospective show by the US artist Sandy Skoglund (1946), curated by Germano Celant.
The exhibition brings together works ranging from her debut projects in the early 1970s right up to the still unpublished Winter, which the artist has been working on for more than ten years. It will be this image – accompanied by a number of sculptures created for the installation from which the photograph was taken – that will serve as the fulcrum of the display: a spectacular world premiere, once again confirming the uniqueness of her research and her language, developed at the height of the conceptual climate only to evolve through an imagery suspended between dreams and reality, one of an extraordinary evocative power.

1989 color photograph
Approx. 115.6×157.5 cm. Courtesy Paci Contemporary Gallery (Brescia–Porto Cervo)
Sandy Skoglund. Visioni Ibride
24 gennaio– 23 marzo 2019
CAMERA, Torino
Lunedì e mercoledì 11.00-19.00
Giovedì 11.00-21.00
Da venerdì a domenica 11.00-19.00