Arte contemporanea dagli Emirati Arabi Uniti in mostra a Berlino dal 13 settembre al 29 ottobre 2017.
La mostra offre un raro sguardo alla poetica storia e diversità degli artisti degli Emirati Arabi, considerando contemporaneamente importanti questioni contemporanee di patrimonio e di identità. Contesto di un rapido sviluppo e di una globalizzazione, le opere esplorano idee complesse della nazione moderna, visitano paesaggi urbani e rurali e esaminano le principali questioni di unità, spiritualità e lingua.
La mostra comprende 20 opere di artisti emergenti e storicizzati. Queste nuove riflessioni sono contestualizzate da pezzi originali che risalgono alla nascita del paese. Sono presenti tre generazioni di artisti rinomati; da Hassan Sharif e dai suoi studenti atelier ad artisti più giovani.

An Abu Dhabi Festival 2016 Commission. Courtesy of the artist.
Part of the ADMAF Art Collection. © ADMAF
La mostra presenta una varietà di mezzi: la scultura, la fotografia, l’arte del territorio, la pittura, i tessuti, il video, la scenografia e le nuove opere artigianali tradizionali. Una delle più grandi mostre dell’arte dell’emirato, Portrait of a Nation, è stata inaugurata ad Abu Dhabi nel 2016. Ora in scena all’estero, per la prima volta, esige domande urgenti e globali per l’identità e lo scambio nel XXI secolo.

Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai
Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation (ADMAF)
La mostra presenta opere della collezione ADMAF), tra le più antiche organizzazioni culturali del Golfo Arabico e organizzatore del Festival di Abu Dhabi. Fondata nel 1996, ADMAF ha intrapreso nuove pratiche artistiche negli ultimi 20 anni, cercando di approfondire il dialogo interculturale globale e ispirare un rinnovato interesse alla creatività degli Emirati Arabi Uniti e della regione araba più ampia.
Ebtisam Abdul Aziz, Ali Al Abdan, Zayed Al Absi, Sarah Al Agroobi, Sarah Al Ahbabi, Ahmed Saeed Al Areef Al Dhaheri, Mohammed Al Astad, Ammar Al Attar, Jassim Al Awadi, Khalid Al Banna, Amna Al Dabbagh, Shamsa Al Dhaheri, Abdul Aziz Al Fadli, Ahmed Al Faresi, Reem Al Ghaith, Yousif Al Harmoudi, Eman Al Hashemi, Zeinab Al Hashemi, Khuloud Al Jabri, Saeed Al Madani, Fatema Al Mazrouie, Mohammed Al Mazrouie, Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyen Al Nahyan, Omran Al Owais, Mohammed Al Qassab, Azza Al Qubaisi, Abdul Qader Al Rais, Sumaya Al Rais, Hamdan Buti Al Shamsi, Karima Al Shomely, Architecture + Other Things, Hind Bin Demaithan, Maitha Demithan, Afra Bin Dhaher, Lamya Gargash, Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, Aisha Juma, Layla Juma, Mohammed Kazem, Fatma Lootah, Najat Makki, Lateefa Bint Maktoum, Mohammed Mandi, Khalid Mezaina, Salama Nasib, Abdul Rahim Salem, Khalid Shafar, Hassan Sharif, Hussein Sharif, Obaid Suroor, Khalil Abdul Wahid.

An Abu Dhabi Festival 2016 Commission. Courtesy of the artist.
Part of the ADMAF Art Collection. © ADMAF
INFO Portrait of a Nation 13 September – 29 October 2017 me Collectors Room Berlin Auguststrasse 68, 10117 Berlin

Contemporary Art from the United Arab Emirates
Featuring works from the ADMAF Art Collection
The exhibition Portrait of a Nation offers a glimpse into the creative practices of 50 contemporary artists from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Visitors are invited to explore the country through the individual perspectives of the participating artists who call it home.
The exhibition is divided into seven themed rooms: Nation & Unity, Geography & Nature, Architecture & Urbanism, Portraiture & Identity, Religion & Spirituality, Language & Calligraphy, and Tradition & Heritage.
Founded in 1971 the UAE is today home to some 200 nationalities. The exhibition offers a rare glimpse into its little-known history and diversity while considering significant contemporary questions of heritage and identity. Against a backdrop of rapid development and globalization, the works explore complex ideas of modern nationhood, visiting urban and rural landscapes and examining major issues of unity, spirituality, and language.
Tracing the nation’s shifting identity, the exhibition includes 20 specially commissioned works by emerging and established artists. These new reflections are contextualised by seminal pieces dating back to the birth of the country. Three generations of renowned Emirati artists are presented; from Hassan Sharif and his atelier students to younger artists.

An Abu Dhabi Festival 2016 Commission. Courtesy of the artist.
Part of the ADMAF Art Collection. © ADMAF
The exhibition presents a variety of mediums: sculpture, photography, land art, painting, textiles, video, scenography, and new takes on traditional crafts. One of the largest exhibitions of Emirati art, Portrait of a Nation opened in Abu Dhabi in 2016. Now staged abroad for the first time, it prompts urgent and globally relevant questions on identity and exchange in the 21st century.

Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai
Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation (ADMAF)
The exhibition features works from the collection of the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation (ADMAF), among the oldest, non-profit cultural organisations in the Arabian Gulf and organiser of the Abu Dhabi Festival. Founded in 1996, ADMAF has pioneered new artistic practices over the last 20 years, seeking to deepen global cross-cultural dialogue and inspire a renewed interest in the creativity of the UAE and the wider Arab region.
Ebtisam Abdul Aziz, Ali Al Abdan, Zayed Al Absi, Sarah Al Agroobi, Sarah Al Ahbabi, Ahmed Saeed Al Areef Al Dhaheri, Mohammed Al Astad, Ammar Al Attar, Jassim Al Awadi, Khalid Al Banna, Amna Al Dabbagh, Shamsa Al Dhaheri, Abdul Aziz Al Fadli, Ahmed Al Faresi, Reem Al Ghaith, Yousif Al Harmoudi, Eman Al Hashemi, Zeinab Al Hashemi, Khuloud Al Jabri, Saeed Al Madani, Fatema Al Mazrouie, Mohammed Al Mazrouie, Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyen Al Nahyan, Omran Al Owais, Mohammed Al Qassab, Azza Al Qubaisi, Abdul Qader Al Rais, Sumaya Al Rais, Hamdan Buti Al Shamsi, Karima Al Shomely, Architecture + Other Things, Hind Bin Demaithan, Maitha Demithan, Afra Bin Dhaher, Lamya Gargash, Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, Aisha Juma, Layla Juma, Mohammed Kazem, Fatma Lootah, Najat Makki, Lateefa Bint Maktoum, Mohammed Mandi, Khalid Mezaina, Salama Nasib, Abdul Rahim Salem, Khalid Shafar, Hassan Sharif, Hussein Sharif, Obaid Suroor, Khalil Abdul Wahid.

An Abu Dhabi Festival 2016 Commission. Courtesy of the artist.
Part of the ADMAF Art Collection. © ADMAF
INFO Portrait of a Nation 13 September – 29 October 2017 me Collectors Room Berlin Auguststrasse 68, 10117 Berlin